Hi, I’m Anne!
I’m a farmer, builder, and educator teaching and preserving disappearing life skills.
Let me help you build a simpler, more deeply rooted life you love, where you’re at, using what you’ve got, starting TODAY.
If you’re here to learn, check out my blog or my youtube channel.
Many of us don’t let ourselves DREAM. We don’t know where to start. We’re too busy, too poor, too scared we might fail. We wait for the perfect circumstances to miraculously appear, and while we’re waiting, LIFE passes us by.
You don’t have to wait until you have the “right” tools, the “right” setup, the “right” knowledge to get started doing the things you’re passionate about, I’ll show you how to to use what you’ve got RIGHT NOW to get started.
Life is short, time is precious. I can help you MAKE time for what’s important, too.
It’s my mission to help you learn new skills that will make you an indispensable resource to your loved ones as well as how to build deep roots within your community.
8 years ago, with very little prior knowledge of farming or building things, I set out on a journey to become more involved in every aspect of my life, to get out of the tech industry, to leave the city and start a farm, and to encourage folks to join me in that exodus. My husband Adam and I live in Nashville, TN where I’m raising and selling dairy, beef, eggs and building heirloom quality furniture. I travel the country teaching about all kinds of things from regenerative farming to woodworking to building small businesses to growing a social media following. I’m currently building a craft school the School of All Trades, where we’ll teach disappearing life skills both in person and online.
Though I am not an expert at ANY of this, I’ve found by becoming willing to fail and looking for the helpers in life, pretty much everything I need to know from woodworking to cheesemaking to gardening to fixing old tractors is totally “Figureoutable.”
Anne at a Glance:
More of the Story:

the farm store
hand carved butter paddles
When we have downtime in the office (or during very long phone calls) carving useful objects out of wood gives our hands something to do.
anne’s dividers t-shirt
My logo is a picture of my favorite dividers. Which also look pretty awesome full-sized on a shirt.

Of All Trades
I became a farmer because I wanted to do, or locally source, as much I needed for myself. To get close to my food chain and be a good steward of this earth.
On Instagram